Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where do you-all find the time?!

The time to homeschool and blog? 

We've been puttering along all fall, continuing to use Moving Beyond the Page as our main curriculum spine, and very much enjoying it!  We are almost finished with the 6-8 level and will move into 7-9 early in 2012.  We're also been spending our time working through Teaching Textbooks 3 and I will order the next level after the holiday rush is over.  Challenging Word Problems and Life of Fred - Elementary are also going well.  We've been using My Pals Are Here! 3/4 for science, as well as several Intellego Unit Studies for both science and social science.  We have workbooks for days when I'm not at my best, but both find that discussion centred around whatever we are reading suits us best.  Fine arts and physical education are mostly done out of house, and as for French - well, let's call it a 'curriculum in progress'...

Kind of like my blogging! 

CKW with his latest Lego 12 Days of Brickmas creation.  Day 2 - Gift Wrapped Present