Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Long Tailed Weasel

CKW went out to the back hay barn this morning to feed the ponies and immediately came running back to the house, shouting at the top of his lungs! My first thought was that something had happened to one of the ponies overnight, or perhaps one of our barn cats, but nope - he had found a dead animal in the hay barn. Not wanting to trudge out through four plus feet of snow, I gave him the camera and told him to take a few pics and then we'd have a look at them.  This is what he came back with:

Obviously our barn cats are doing a great job! We weren't quite sure what type of weasel this was, so onto the internet we went. Turns out it was a Long Tailed Weasel showing it's winter colouration. Such a beautiful animal in life; we both shed a few tears over this little one...