Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summertime, and the Livin' Is Easy!


Medium Ponies

Hunter Ring Crew

Large Ponies




Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Project-Based Homeschooling

In an effort to shift our homeschooling dynamic from 'student-teacher' to 'learner-facilitator' I am currently enrolled in a Beta Master Class for Project-Based Homeschooling. No curriculum; student projects ONLY!
(Can you say Type A+ perfectionist control freak twinges?! YIKES!!! I was worried he might not learn anything, but figured summer was the time to give it a try...)
I think it's going to be okay though! Just today he's worked on his arts & crafts projects, made a battery operated electrical circuit with a switch that runs a fan and/or light (for camp emergencies) and read a chapter about veterinarians in 'We Work with Horses' by Patrice Clay. All this in addition to driving our extremely patient mechanic batty with non-stop questions regarding sway bars, bushings, etc.
Relax Homeschool Mamas - the kids are definately all right!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trip to the Sugar Bush

Spring has finally arrived! With the running of the sap, our homeschool groupdecided to take a trip to the sugar bush to see how maple syrup is made. We had a great time and, as you can see, all wore our very best clothes!

The owner of the sugar bush very kindly sent us home with a 20L pail of sap.  After boiling it down for a couple of days (Yes! DAYS!!) we were rewarded with 500ml of maple syrup. Yummy! And so much better than store bought; I don't even like maple syrup and yet still thought our pancakes that Sunday morning were the best I had ever had!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homeschool:1 - Blog:0

I've been so busy homeschooling that I've neglected to blog about it!  However, today we received our Moving Beyond the Page curriculum for next year and we're both super excited!!

Here are our Moving Beyond the Page Box Day photos. I ordered the complete 8-10 curriculum, including books and manipulatives, and there was so much included in our order that I needed help to carry the boxes from the post office to the car! CKW is excited with all the science, especially the manipulatives, so as soon as we finish up our last 7-9 unit (Iggie's House) we're good to go.

Here is the 8-10 Complete Curriculum. Student NOT included!

Concept 1: Interdependence
Dirt and Plants
Native Americans
Ecosystems and Ecology

Concept 2: Force and Power
Magnetism and Electricity
The Power of the People
Forces of Nature
Concept 3: Similarities and Differences
Africa and Asia
Rocks and Minerals
Concept 4: Exploration and Survival
Animal Adaptations
Early Explorers
Work, Tools, and Simple Machines
We LOVE this curriculum! Tonnes of books, lots of projects, skip the worksheets and busywork... Moving Beyond the Page truly makes learning FUN! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Long Tailed Weasel

CKW went out to the back hay barn this morning to feed the ponies and immediately came running back to the house, shouting at the top of his lungs! My first thought was that something had happened to one of the ponies overnight, or perhaps one of our barn cats, but nope - he had found a dead animal in the hay barn. Not wanting to trudge out through four plus feet of snow, I gave him the camera and told him to take a few pics and then we'd have a look at them.  This is what he came back with:

Obviously our barn cats are doing a great job! We weren't quite sure what type of weasel this was, so onto the internet we went. Turns out it was a Long Tailed Weasel showing it's winter colouration. Such a beautiful animal in life; we both shed a few tears over this little one... 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Physical Education - Winter

Funny...  I don't remember Phys Ed being this fun when I was in school!